Oh the joys of high def’ video…

New high definition video truly captures beauty of Montana smokestack implosion. Last week, we brought you footage of Asarco Demolition’s dual implosion of a pair of smokestacks in Montana. But we’ve just uncovered this new high definition footage of the blast. If only all demolition video looked as good as this (and be sure to…Read moreRead more

Fulbeck flats fall…

MGL Demolition carries out dual tower block implosion in Middlesborough. MGL Demolition this weekend completed the demolition of Fulbeck House and Glentworth House in Middlesbrough’s Netherfields area. These were built in 1968, and each 16-storey block comprised 90 flats. A lottery to press “the button” raised money for Normanby’s Zoe’s Place and was won by…Read moreRead more

Montana stacks fall…

One big bang, and these twin smoke stacks fall. OK, this is not quite live, but as we’re typing this text, this implosion in Montana happened less than an hour ago: We’re hoping there will be some more professional footage such as this which was filmed during the preparation for today’s nicely controlled implosion.

And the contractor was satisfied…?

Video footage from Chinese implosion shows massive discharge of fly rock. According to the English-language voice over, the implosion of this incomplete and abandoned high-rise structure in the Chinese city of Zhongshan took place in a residential area. Which calls into question the huge amount of debris discharged by the blast.

Help us compile an implosion calendar…

Calling all explosives engineers; we want your help in producing a calendar of forthcoming implosions. Implosion is probably the least-used method that demolition professionals have in their broad arsenal. And yet, judging by public demand and media appetite, it is also the most appealing aspect of what is still perceived by many to be a…Read moreRead more

Yet another implosion video…

Can find very little information on this video but, judging by the cars in the foreground and the shouting in the background, I am going to take a wild guess and say this is from the US:

Aladdin hotel implosion….

It seems that rarely a week goes by when the explosives crews aren’t planning to rearrange the Las Vegas skyline for the umpteenth time. This tie, it was the Aladdin Hotel that came under their steely gaze… Aladdin Hotel Implosion – The most popular videos are here

Smokestack slow to fall…

It might be purely due to camera angle but this smokestack seems to take an age to finally fall.

16 simultaneous implosions…

If you thought that explosive demolition was biggest and best in the US, think again. The Chinese recently popped 16 at the same time and while one was left standing, it makes for some spectacular footage.

Demolition creates new leaning tower…

The charges are set, the media has gathered, a lucky member of the public has their finger poised over the button and….d’oh.