Video – Implosion double in Oklahoma City…

“Where the blasts are as high as an elephant’s eye”. The landscape of Oklahoma City’s downtown changed forever Sunday as two historic buildings were demolished. In a matter of seconds – the Black Hotel and adjacent Motor Hotel along Hudson Avenue were gone. The historic buildings were built in the early 1930’s, but fell victim…Read moreRead more

Video – AR Demolition reaches new heights…

Multiple views demonstrate company’s tower block capabilities. A block of flats that stood tall for five decades has been demolished. The 16-storey Hebble Court development, at Hebble Lane, Mixenden, was built in 1965, but has now come down as owners, the Together Housing Group, say it would be uneconomic to keep the building open. The…Read moreRead more

Video – Implosion fells Ineos building…

Grangemouth rocked by chemical works controlled blast. Demolition crews have carried out the controlled implosion of a large structure at Ineos’ facility at Grangemouth in Scotland. The work is part of an ongoing project at the site to remove redundant equipment to clear space for new office accommodation and a business headquarters. An Ineos spokesman…Read moreRead more

Video – Rocket Man…

Chinese man sees off demolition crew with home-made rocket launcher. We have reported countless times upon residents of so-called “nail houses” in China standing in the way of progress. But this guy has taken stubbornness to a whole new level. Faced with the possible demolition of his home, the unnamed man channelled the spirit of…Read moreRead more

Video – Armac tackles Bermondsey bridge…

Network Rail time-lapse captures all the action. Anyone that has caught either of the first two episodes of Danny Baker’s Cradle to Grave comedy on BBC 2 will likely have been impressed with Peter Kay’s mastery of an London accent and astounded by just how little Bermondsey has changed since the 1970s. Well, Bermondsey IS…Read moreRead more

Video – Chinese implode Lishui Bridge…

Big bang drops Chinese bridge. A four decade old bridge in China was annihilated in just seconds this week. Lishui Bridge in Zhangjiajie, central China, was demolished using a tonne of explosives on September 8 to make way for a new bridge, reported People’s Daily Online. The dramatic collapse of the bridge was captured on…Read moreRead more

A glimpse into the JCB crystal ball…

Demolition kit was thin on the ground – But JCB’s product range is bursting with new machines. Along with a rag-tag army of camera and notepad wielding construction trade journalists from across Europe (the diggerazzi, as they’re known) I made my annual pilgrimage to the JCB World Headquarters to see what the UK’s bastion of…Read moreRead more

Video – Hammerhead granted Liberty…

Time-lapse of dock crane dismantling for Down Under. Liberty Industrial carried out the deconstruction of the historic Hammerhead Crane located at the Garden Island Naval Base on Sydney Harbour. The project involved dismantling a giant cantilevered dockside crane for the Department of Defence. The structure was progressively dismantled in large sections in a highly choreographed…Read moreRead more

Video – GM stack finally succumbs…

Excavator achieves what three implosions failed to do. The stubborn GM smokestack that withstood three failed implosions has finally been laid to rest using excavators. The removal came as a surprise to Windsor fire and city officials, as well as neighbours in the area, who thought they would get two days’ notice of the demolition….Read moreRead more

Video – Detonation double at Dalhousie…

Multiple blasts fell chimneys at Canadian power company. There is just no stopping the team at Dykon Explosive Demolition Corp at present; not even the US/Canadian border can halt their explosive progress. The company, which currently seems to be owning the exlosive demolition world, has popped up again, this time at the NB Power facility…Read moreRead more