Stark Warning…

Message from COVID-19 epicentre makes for sobering reading.

This weekend, I received a message from Stefano Panseri of demolition giant Despe. Stefano and his family are from Italy, the very epicentre of the current COVID-19 outbreak that has reportedly claimed the lives of more than 4,000 of Panseri’s compatriots.

Thankfully, his family is safe. But his multi-award winning company has been closed for the past two weeks and Panseri currently has no indication of when it might re-open.

In the most sobering and powerful email I have ever received, he has asked (begged) me to pass on a message. His email is quite long so I have picked out the key parts and paraphrased where appropriate. And I strongly urge you to read and heed his words:

“…In the space of 72 hours, we went from trying to calculate the likely economic impact [of COVID-19] to just trying to survive. It is war. That is no exaggeration.
The demolition and construction market has to SHUT DOWN IMMEDIATELY.
Demolition and construction employees travel together, they work together, they have lunch together. These employees are the perfect vector to spread the virus contamination everywhere.
The sector has to understand that the business comes after employee health and safety.
Help the sector to take the right decision to SHUT DOWN before it’s too late…”

This message – and much more besides – will be a part of our new Demolition Daily LiveStream that will be taking place on our Facebook page at 3 pm (UK time) this afternoon.