Coleman & Co high reach in action….

New video showing Coleman & Co’s high reach excavator in action. We received this video of Coleman & Co’s high reach excavator at work on the demolition of the North Staffordshire Hospital in Stoke on Trent just this morning. It comes courtesy of John Woodward of C&D Consultancy, who shot the video on his very…Read moreRead more

Rats before wrecking balls…

Canadian officials are considering making rat extermination a demolition pre-requisite. Following a recent incident in which hundreds of rats fled a Vancouver demolition contract, Canadian officials are believed to be considering the extermination of the animals a condition of contract on forthcoming demolition projects. Faced with an exploding rat population, partially the result of a…Read moreRead more

Giant Kobelco in action…

Nice video of a Kobelco SK950 (LC) D excavator in operation.

Business Directory…

Don’t forget to secure your space on the Demolition News Business Directory. In typical entrepreneurial fashion, last week we launched the Demolition News Business Directory that is designed to allow manufacturers and product and service providers to display their wares to a highly targeted readership of demolition professionals. Now launching this in the midst of…Read moreRead more

IDE Roadshow sights and sounds…

Exclusive overview video from last Friday’s Institute of Demolition Engineers’ Roadshow. We’re still beavering away in the editing suite (well, back bedroom actually) to bring you some more audio and video footage from last week’s Institute of Demolition Engineers’ Roadshow at Mercedes benz World in Surrey. However, while that’s happening, here’s a very quick overview…Read moreRead more

How to demolish a giant prawn…

The search is underway for a demolition crew with seafood experience. Of all the unusual demolition applications we’ve ever come across, the demolition of this giant prawn is probably the strangest. Although not yet decided, it now appears likely that this famous Australian landmark could soon face demolition, which set us thinking about the skills…Read moreRead more

What Price Sustainability…?

Exclusive audio podcast by Terry Quarmby, president of the Institute of Demolition Engineers. Anyone with even the most tenuous link to the demolition business knows that demolition contractors are the undisputed world leaders in the recycling and reuse of materials, a fact that has put this industry at the very forefront of the drive for…Read moreRead more

Audio boos from IDE Roadshow…

A series of brief audio boos recorded live at today’s IDE Roadshow. Although the gremlins prevented these from being uploaded live, the Audio Boo system did (thankfully) retain these audios recorded live at the IDE Roadshow earlier today. Listen! Listen! Listen!

Exclusive Audio – Forthcoming Legislation…

IDE vice-president John Woodward on forthcoming legislation and its impact on the demolition sector. In the first of our exclusive audio podcasts recorded live at the last of the 2009 IDE Roadshows (held earlier today at the fabulous Mercedes Benz World in Weybridge, Surrey), IDE vice-president and Demolition News regular John Woodward gazes into his…Read moreRead more

Bobcat layoffs hit community…

A small US community is feeling the effects of the latest round of Bobcat layoffs. The entire world is feeling the effects of the current global recession. But it is the small communities that rely upon a local employer for their very existence that are feeling it worst. Take for example the 800 residents of…Read moreRead more