Little girl wants her school demolished…

Video/Audio of little Irish girl asking for her school to be demolished, along with her teachers. The following has been doing the rounds on the Internet for quite some time now and, to be honest, we originally chose to ignore it. However, having now listened again, it just gets funnier and funnier and is worthy…Read moreRead more

What’s wrong with this video…

Never mind the health and safety, let’s make a demolition video! As regular visitors to demolition sites across Europe and the US, we are very aware that health and safety requirements vary from country to country. However, it never ceases to amaze us when even the most obvious common sense is abandoned. Take a look…Read moreRead more

On shaky ground…?

We’re not sure which is the shakier; the excavator operator or the person behind the camera!

Turning the lights out at GE Lighting…

Video showing the demolition of the former GE Lighting building in Enfield.

Demolition Summit Update…

Lindsay Gale of D&Ri magazine provides an update on this year’s Demolition Summit. The recent European Demolition Association conference in Nice, France provided a useful opportunity for D&Ri editor Lindsay Gale to update delegates on the progress of the Demolition Summit and associated Demolition Awards that are scheduled to take place in Amsterdam later this…Read moreRead more

Stanley-LaBounty announces lay-offs…

Attachment manufacturer announces more lay-offs at its Two Harbors factory in the US. The name of LaBounty is synonymous with the development of highly specialised demolition attachments for the demolition industry. However, it appears that even such well-known and respected brands are not impervious to the economic recession that continues to eat away at the…Read moreRead more

Exclusive Videos – JCB’s Demolition Day…

JCB recently hosted a demolition day for members of the NFDC. And here’s the footage. Back in 2006 when it was the primary sponsor of the National Federation of Demolition Contractors’ annual convention in Barcelona, JCB hosted an impressive Demolition Day at its premises in Uttoxeter. Three years on, and the company has repeated the…Read moreRead more

Juventus Stadium demolition video…

New Holland has produced a video showing the demolition of the famous Stadio Delle Alpi. Excavator manufacturer New Holland has produced a video showing its equipment playing a key role in the demolition of the famous Stadio Delle Alpi, home of the Juventus football team in Turin. Just a pity that the soundtrack used on…Read moreRead more

Videos proving popular…

The videos here on Demolition News is among the site’s most popular content. Following the positive feedback on the Red Rhino video posted last week, we have just checked the statistics and it appears that our exclusive videos are among the most popular items on The most popular videos in order are: No Quick…Read moreRead more

Exclusive video interview with new Red Rhino owner…

Simon Winfield has taken over Red Rhino; and Demolition News cameras were there first. In an exclusive interview for, the new owner of Red Rhino reveals his hopes and aspirations for the compact crusher brand.