3,000 days

On 23 February 2016, the boiler house at the Didcot A Power Station collapsed prematurely during a delicate demolition process. The unplanned collapse cost the lives of four men. That incident happened in an instant. Those four lives were cut tragically short in the blink of an eye. In a matter of seconds, the potential…Read moreRead more

The disgrace of Didcot

23 February 2024 marks the eighth anniversary of the Didcot Disaster; the worst accident in UK demolition memory. Four men were killed in an instant. But a full eight years later, we still have no idea how or why as the investigating authorities continue to drag their heels and fail in their duty to bring…Read moreRead more

Didcot – 8 years, 0 answers

Eight years after four men were killed in the worst accident in UK demolition history, Thames Valley Police and Health and Safety Executive have STILL not delivered any answers, explanation or closure. (You can watch a full version of this one-off show here).

Trite statement to mark 8th anniversary of Didcot Disaster

In much the same way as they did on the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh anniversary of the Didcot Disaster, Thames Valley Police have chosen to mark the eighth anniversary of the UK worst demolition accident with yet another statement that uses a lot of words but that says nothing. The statement…Read moreRead more

Opinion – Six is the new Four

On Wednesday last week, I was invited onto a BBC South news show that marked the sixth anniversary of the Didcot Disaster. The show was recorded remotely: a TV researcher in Oxfordshire; and me at home in Surrey. While sound engineers were checking recording levels, the researcher asked why I had pursued this disaster with…Read moreRead more

The disgrace of Didcot

On 23 February 2016, the boiler house of the Didcot A Power Station partially collapsed, claiming the lives of four demolition workers. Six years on, our longest-ever livestream is dedicated to the long running and as-yet-unresolved investigation that has now been running for 2,190 days.

Opinion – Six years of suffering

Maybe I should have paced myself. Maybe I should have squirrelled away some meaningful words, a nifty yet profound turn of phrase. And maybe, if I had thought we might still be talking about the lack of resolution to the investigation into the Didcot Disaster that claimed the lives of four demolition workers in 2016,…Read moreRead more

The Break Fast Show #225

In today’s show: No news is bad news as the Didcot investigation looks set to drag on; we’re out on site with Content with Media’s Peter Haddock as he checks out the UK’s first Cat 395 excavator; there are calls for expelled migrant workers to be invited back to the UK to help ease the…Read moreRead more

Didcot – No news is bad news…

In a little over five weeks, the demolition industry will mark the sixth anniversary of the Didcot Disaster in which four demolition workers were killed. In light of the intransigence of the investigating authorities and the ongoing lack of resolution, DemolitionNews has used the Freedom of Information Act to obtain an update from Thames Valley…Read moreRead more

Comment – No end in sight

At noon today, a pre-inquest review of the Didcot disaster is scheduled to be heard at the Coroner’s Court in Oxfordshire. That review comes 1,974 days after a part of the boiler house at the Didcot A Power Station collapsed while undergoing demolition. Four demolition men lost their lives that day. And it is to…Read moreRead more