Video – Bridge goes out with a bang…

400 pounds of explosives turn D’Iberville bridge into debris pile

And just like that, all that remained of the Big Ridge Road bridge was a massive dust cloud.

Just after 10 p.m. Saturday, the Mississippi Department of Transportation demolished the bridge as part of a $41 million interchange project that’s expected to be completed by August 2015.

MDOT district engineer Gabe Faggard said they drilled holes across the bridge to place about 400 pounds of explosive for the demolition. Sixty seconds after a warning siren sounded Saturday night, a streak of red light shot across the bridge as the dynamite exploded. A puff of dust immediately followed. Tiny bits of debris could still be heard falling to the pavement at the nearby Holmes Motors car lot seconds later. “It sure does take a lot longer to build one of those,” quipped a worker shortly after the demolition, dust still hovering above the remains of the bridge.

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