Calling all TV execs and researchers…

Demolition News offers a guide to demolition for TV executives everywhere.

Rarely a week goes by when we don’t receive a phone call from a TV researcher or two, each looking to show demolition “in a new light”. In recent weeks, we have also had a tea producer and an online game organiser, each looking to “butch up” their product by a link with the rough, tough world of demolition.

However, on the basis that most of these enquiries ask exactly the same set of questions, we thought we would offer the following guide to demolition for TV types:

  • No, there isn’t an implosion scheduled for tomorrow afternoon between 2.00 and 2.15 in the Leeds area.
  • No, we don’t blow things up; we blow them down (occasionally); and that big yellow thing you keep referring to as a “bulldozers” aren’t (and it’s probably not a JCB either).
  • No, implosions cannot be arranged to suit your recording schedule.
  • No, you can’t have an actor pressing the button, driving a car through the falling debris, or leaping from the top of the building with a Union Jack parachute.
  • No, Gucci loafers are NOT considered safety wear.
  • No, you can’t put your camera there – It’s called an exclusion zone for one very obvious reason.
  • No, it doesn’t matter how purple your director’s face goes, we can’t just do a second take.

If any readers have any further advice, please use the comments area (in blue) below.