Comment – Holding us back

I recently had the opportunity to visit one of the world’s foremost demolition contractors.Despe is the Gold Standard of demolition. A winner of multiple World Demolition Awards, the Italian company is a high watermark for all things demolition. The company operates at a standard to which others can only aspire.

But for every Bugatti Veyron, there are a hundred Austin Allegros. For every Manchester City, there are a hundred Accrington Stanleys. And for every Despe, there are a hundred “Joe Blogs Demolitions”. Those companies have no time for Despe levels of professionalism. Instead, they are willing to cut corners, to take chances, to pay little mind to health and safety and to legislation. They might argue that this is their prerogative; but their unwillingness to improve, conform and comply is to the detriment not just of those individual companies but to the entire industry. They drag down the industry’s reputation, and they reinforce all the negative impressions the construction industry and the public harbours towards the demolition sector.

During my recent interview with newly-elected National Federation of Demolition Contractors’ president John Lynch, he expressed his desire to swell NFDC ranks by working with non-member companies to help them raise their standards.

It is an admirable aim, and it makes a refreshing change. For many years, it seemed that the Federation was a closed shop: those that were in stayed in; those that were out stayed that way.

But while this would represent a step in the right direction, it is not the complete solution. There are some contractors that have no desire for NFDC membership. And even within the NFDC, there are contractors that operate at a Premier League level and some that are clinging desperately to the foot of League Two.

The only way to raise standards right across the industry, surely, is a licensing scheme; a policed system that makes it harder to cut corners; that actively promotes higher standards and greater professionalism.

Admittedly, no licensing scheme in the world is going to create another Despe. To reach the very pinnacle of the demolition industry requires a level of drive, determination and passion that precious few possess. So no, a license scheme will not impact the top. But it might just drag a few companies up from the bottom.