Red Road report released…

Safedem exonerated over partial stand-up during last year’s multi-block implosion.

red road liveAn independent report commissioned by the Glasgow Housing Association (GHA) into the explosive demolition of the remaining tower blocks at Red Road has exonerated contractor Safedem of any blame over the two blocks that remained partially standing.

The report – by consulting and civil engineers Scott Bennett Associates – follows a thorough investigation into the methodologies employed at Red Road by Safedem, the likely cause of the stand-up of 123 Petershill Drive and 10 Red Road Court, and the company’s subsequent handling of the partial stand-up.

According to the report, Safedem used a highly experienced explosives engineer on the project and followed good practice during the planning of this challenging project. It also highlighted that Safedem’s analysis of the structures prior to blasting had identified discrepancies between the surveyed buildings and the design drawings. In particular, column sizes varied from those shown on the drawings. “Bearing in mind these discrepancies, it would have been reasonable for designers to take a cautious view of the structures and to err on the safe side regarding pre-weakening”.

The report goes on to commend Safedem on its contingency plan and its response swift to the partial stand-up. “Safedem appear to have responded timeously to the partial collapse situation. They had an experienced senior demolition engineer in charge and they set up early monitoring of these buildings. The contractor continued to undertake risk assessments as the work proceeded. The public were not put in danger at any time during this process and so, in this respect, the contingency plans were implemented successfully.”

The report concludes that: “We are of the opinion that the approach taken to the blowdown operations at Red Road were in accordance with good practice. We are of the opinion that Safedem did everything that could have been reasonably expected to ensure the safe demolition of these properties.”

Speaking exclusively to DemolitionNews, Safedem managing director William Sinclair commented:  “I am pleased with the findings of the independent report, as it affirms the huge efforts made by our team members, and multi-agency stakeholders, to deliver a safe demolition operation.”