Video – Coming soon to a TV screen near you…

New TV show will put demolition heroes in the spotlight.

There is a new demolition TV show heading this way and it is one that is close to the heart of all at Demolition News Towers.

The show, which will be broadcast in stunning 4K cinema quality, is called The Demolition Man and it will chart major projects around the world. The show has already been on site with Bradley Demolition and Downwell Demolition in the UK and has bagged exclusive footage of a bridge demolition in the US.

“I am approached several times a month by TV companies that are looking to highlight the danger of demolition or merely to film the last few seconds of a blowdown,” says DemolitionNews’ Mark Anthony. “But the team behind The Demolition Man are looking to portray demolition engineers and professionals as the heroes while demonstrating to the watching public the often complex challenges of bringing a demolition project to a safe conclusion. That is why I was happy to join their team as executive producer.”

The TV company is still on the lookout for more projects to film for the first 12-part series and is hopeful of a recommission that will require yet more projects to be filmed.

So if you have any interesting, unusual or exceptionally large demolition projects that are live now or which will become live in the next month or so, please let us know. We might just be able to turn you into a TV hero.