Turning a hazard into a product…

Windsor acquires global patent for asbestos treatment technology

assieWindsor Integrated Services Group has acquired the global patents for ARI Technologies’ unique thermochemical conversion technology to treat asbestos.

This clean technology destroys asbestos fibres and produces a non-hazardous product that can be used in many construction applications. The technology has been successfully used to treat asbestos by the US Department of Defense, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency as well as a number of private organisations.

The UK currently disposes of in excess of 210,000 tonnes of fibrous and cement bonded asbestos in landfill each year, and disposed of around 300,000 tonnes per year pre-recession*. Hundreds of thousands of tonnes of asbestos material remain across the country in structures that were built before 2000.

Tony Windsor, Managing Director, Windsor Integrated Services Group says: “This technology will set a worldwide precedent for managing asbestos waste. We are hugely excited by the opportunity that this acquisition brings our group and are talking to investors and feedstock sources that are keen to participate in the numerous benefits of this clean technology.”

The Windsor Integrated Services Group (WISG) incorporates founding company, Windsor Waste Management (WWM), a market leader in the UK asbestos disposal market since 2000. With a significant share of this market in Southern England, WWM currently processes over 15,000 tonnes of asbestos each year providing feedstock for a commercial treatment facility.

The acquisition sees WISG take global control of the unique technology through a new company ARI Global Technologies having previously secured an exclusive deal with ARI Technologies Inc in 2013.

Steve Sadley, Chief Executive, Asbestos Removal Contractors Association and a Patron of ARI Global Technologies says: “As the UK’s leading asbestos removal association, ARCA is proud to support ARI Global Technologies. We are very excited to see this more environmentally responsible and cost effective way to treat asbestos become a reality in the UK, stopping waste going to landfill and turning it instead into a harmless product that can be recycled.”

Graham Warren, Asbestos Control and Abatement Division Manager, TICA-ACAD says: “This is such an exciting development for the asbestos industry and one that makes me proud of the continual drive to raise standards which is synonymous with being an ACAD member”.