Video – Demolition, stone age style…

Children hurl rocks to destroy entire building.

Since DemolitionNews threw open its doors what seems like a lifetime ago, we have covered just about every conceivable demolition method at one kind or another. Explosive, top down, high reach, piecemeal – You name it, we’ve featured it.

But never before have we featured what we thought was the lost art of demolition by stoning. Until now.

Watch as these children reduce an entire building to rubble using nothing more than a few well-aimed rocks and a scant regard for their own personal safety. Of course, it helps that the target of their assault is seemingly constructed almost entirely from dust. But that doesn’t detract from the persistence, accuracy and efficacy of kids with rocks (skip forward to the 3.30 mark to see the outcome).

We expect a new set of NFDC Guidance Notes on this methodology any day now.