Calling all experts…

Can we help this fellow demolition professional…?

oxideEven though it is a national holiday here in the UK, that doesn’t stop us opening the Demolition News Towers mailbox. And today, we have received a plea for help from a reader which we are hoping that readers will be able to help with.

I will allow the reader to take up the story:

I have come across something I have never seen before. I have attached a picture of a piece of box tubing, that sticks out approx, 100 mm from a reinforced upright that the cross beams sit in. Or they were cast around the tube when built.

I have asked a lot of people if they have come across this before, but all have shook their heads and asked did it fall down when we touched it, happily enough it did not. But it did wobble like a jelly on the end of a roach pole.

I was just wondering if you know what this particular method was called, I know the weight of the floor keeps it stable, but to be honest it was a very unstable building when we first took the corner off. Any help would be appreciated, you can just see the tubing sticking out, it is red oxide in colour.

Can anyone offer some insight or guidance?