Demolition magazine delayed

But for good reason.

Cover-smallLadies, gentlemen and loyal readers of every hue, creed and persuasion. It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that the next edition of the Demolition magazine- The Purple Haze edition – has been delayed by approximately two weeks.

I did not take this decision lightly; and it comes at considerable personal cost. But I firmly believe that the decision will prove to be the right one.

Based upon the feedback on and the comments about yesterday’s Comment article, it seems that we have (by design or sheer good fortune) struck a chord with the industry, and uncovered a series of key topics that require further open debate and discussion.

And so, at the 11th hour (literally – the magazine was due at the printer today) I took the decision to postpone it; to remove some of the great content we had in store for you; and to replace it with what I firmly believe to be more important and timely content.

It may make uncomfortable reading for some, particularly those that have grown accustomed to Dated and Regurgitated Information or to being spoon-fed sickly sweet industry “news” that has been passed through a “no negatives” reality filter. But we believe that OUR readers appreciate shoot from the lip realism – After all, the 32,000+ page views on DemolitionNews over the past few weeks probably didn’t do so for my good looks!

We will get the next edition to you just as soon as we can. We thank you for your patience, and apologise for any inconvenience this might cause to our readers and advertisers. I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t think it was the right thing to do.

Normal service will be resumed shortly.

Mark Anthony