Wrecking ball wrecks car…

Mini van hit crane and wrecking ball.

An elderly Canadian couple was rushed to hospital before noon Wednesday after their minivan swerved into the lane of an oncoming crane carrying a wrecking ball.

The driver of the crane, who didn’t want to give his name, said he was driving southbound when the northbound van drifted into his lane. He said it appeared that the driver’s eyes were closed.

The crane operator, who is also a longtime volunteer firefighter, attempted to treat the couple in the first moments after the crash.

“I went in through the windshield (which had been smashed), and I saw the man was unconscious,” he said. “The woman was clearly in physical distress. Another guy came to help and he tried to take the man’s pulse. He didn’t feel anything the first time, but he found it on the second attempt.”

Read more and see the (thankfully not graphic) photo here.