HSE confirms October start for fee scheme…

Fee for Intervention scheme will come into force in October after initial delay.

The UK’s Health & Safety Executive ha today confirmed that, subject to parliamentary approval, its Fee for Intervention scheme will officially come into force on 1 October 2012.

In advance of the introduction, the HSE has introduced a new guidance document that is free to download here.

The new regime was originally supposed to come into effect on 6 April this year, but in March the HSE postponed the launch due to “technical issues”, including discussions about back office accountancy processes, which had left insufficient time to lay the necessary regulations before parliament.

The proposed Health and Safety (Fees) Regulations 2012 will put a duty on the HSE to recover costs for carrying out its regulatory functions from dutyholders in “material breach” of health and safety law.

Gordon MacDonald, the HSE’s programme director, said confirmation of the starting date for FFI and the new guidance would give duty holders “clarity and certainty” about what they can expect from the new approach.

“It is right that those who break the law should pay their fair share of the costs to put things right – and not the public purse,” he added. “Firms who manage workplace risks properly will not pay.”

Read more here.