Combating the cold…

Send us your photos of how you’re coping with the frigid winter conditions.

It’s cold out there; really cold. Thankfully, Demolition News Towers is centrally-heated, has ready access to an almost limitless supply of hot coffee and a large smelly dog upon which to rest cold feet.

But we are ever-mindful that, in the demolition world, we are among the privileged few for whom weather is merely a subject for small talk; a phenomenon that takes place on the other side of the double-glazing.

So what are you doing to keep warm on site today? We have heard tale of one demolition pro donning a flourescent 1980s ski suit to keep the cold at bay, and earlier this week we witnessed the strange allure of a mobile crusher’s warm engine canopy on a team of workers in West London.

So reach for the cameras and the mobile phones and send us your photos of what you’re (and your colleagues) doing to keep warm during this Siberian blast and we will post them here on DemolitionNews.