High cost of abiding by rules…

New British Standard comes at a hefty price.

Unlike many of their European counterparts who seem to treat any form of legislation as purely optional, the British are generally a law abiding bunch; always first in line to adopt one new rule or another and to tut quietly to themselves when their French, Italian or German counterparts carry on as if nothing has changed.

So there is likely to be a healthy take-up for copies of the new BS 6187:2011 Code of Practice for Full and Partial Demolition. Most self-respecting demolition contractors will want a copy to add to a bookshelf already creaking under the strain of countless legislative tomes. At which point, we imagine the conversation will go roughly as follows:

Managing Director: “It would probably be sensible to get a copy for each the directors too,”
Secretary: “So four copies then?”.
Managing Director: “Oh, and the contracts managers will probably need one each.”
Secretary: “Eight copies then?”
Managing Director: “While you’re about it, get one for each of the site managers too – You can’t be too careful can you?”
Secretary: “No, you can’t be too careful. I’ll order 12 copies, just to be on the safe side.”
Managing Director: “Splendid. How much will that cost?”
Secretary: “Er, let me see. £2,952.”
Managing Director: “Sod it, no-one ever reads these things anyway. I’ll see if I can borrow a copy.”