Nokova Yerbilding mystery solved…

Mystery “woman” shows her true colours – pink – at the NFDC Demolition Day event.

Liebherr's Darren Bennet (left and "Nokova Yerbilding"It was a mystery that had held the UK demolition industry rapt for weeks: just who was Nokova Yerbilding and why on Earth was she planning to attend the latest NFDC Demolition Day event?

But all became clear yesterday when the “Russian star of stage and screen” was revealed to be none other than CMEC Demolition’s Antony Hopkinson – possibly the world’s least convincing cross-dresser – who had donned a pink dress to help raise funds for the Pink Ribbon breast cancer charity.

Ably assisted by the team at Liebherr Great Britain who were handing a machine to him (her?) at the time, Hopkinson used his feminine charm to extract almost £3,000 of contributions including £500 from the National Federation of Demolition Contractors and a further £500 from the Federation’s Midlands and Wales Region.

Hopkinson carried off the publicity stunt with great confidence, even though he admitted that he was “dying inside”. But it was a great cause and he deserves enormous credit for his fundraising activities.