Man hires wrecking crew to destroy own car…

Chinese businessman employs wrecking crew to demolish $450,000 Lamborghini.

We’ve all heard the expression “a sledgehammer to crack a nut” to describe the use of disproportionate force or expense to overcome a minor problem. But a sledgehammer to crack a car engine fault?

Apparently, they do things differently in China, a fact highlighted by one Han Nan, owner of a wholesale lighting company. Nan spent $450,000 on a new Lamborghini Gallardo L140 last October but took it back to the dealer in November to have an engine malfunction fixed.

But the car was returned still faulty and with a damaged bumper and chassis.

So Nan did what any right-minded lunatic would do – He hired a gang of sledgehammer-wielding demolition men to publicly smash the supercar to pieces….on World Consumer Rights Day.

Read more here.