An eloquent insight…

US contractor tells it like it really is.

A man’s got to know his limitations“. So said that purveyor of diplomacy, Harry “Dirty Harry” Callahan in the movie Magnum Force.

Well, here at DemolitionNews, we certainly know our limitations. Despite writing about and for this industry for the best part of a quarter century, we will forever be outsiders looking in. We have never demolished anything other than the occasional pie, and are unlikely ever to do so. So, no matter how hard we try, we know that we are “for” rather than “of” the industry.

However, we would strongly urge readers to take two minutes to check out this blog post from Terrence O’Rourke of US contractor Champion Environmental Services Inc. This is written by someone on the inside of this business, and you will not read a more telling, informed and eloquent piece on the state of the demolition nation this year.