When will the low-bid madness end…?

Bid to raze middle school pleases school board, stuns fellow contractors.

Members of the North Fayette Board of Directors are undoubtedly patting themselves on the back today having secured a local middle school demolition bid so low that it’s undetectable to radar.

The board had apparently braced itself for a price in the $100,000 to $200,000 range, predictions that were borne out by initial bids ranging from $133,000 to $173,333. One further bid of $292,000 apparently came in from a contractor who has lived in a cave these past two years and was unaware of the recession and the US demolition industry’s apparent determination to render itself extinct.

And then along comes Kelly Demolition (in our mind’s eye whistling down the path, a happy smile on his face, possibly clicking his heels), slapping down a bid of $99,000 and leaving with the spoils.

Now, in the grand scheme of the US’ race to the bottom, undercutting your nearest rival by $33,000 on a $100,000 job is no big deal.

But Kelly wasn’t finished yet. Oh no siree Bob. Not content with hitting his competitors so far below the belt that many are now suffering from shin splints, Kelly then announces that he will get the work done a good couple of weeks ahead of schedule.

Unless he plans to use trained termites to carry out the demolition or has discovered a local waste repository that will pay him in gold bullion for every square yard of arisings he throws at them, this appears to be just another example of the US demolition sector’s race to the bottom.

Read more here.