Chimneys bury Top Gear car…

UK contractor Erith Group takes part in top-rated TV programme.

Just over a week ago, we suggested that UK demolition professionals should make a point of watching the 27 June edition of the BBC’s top-rated TV series, Top Gear as it was to contain something of a demolition surprise.

Sadly, thanks to a combination of World Cup fever, unseasonably warm weather and a crate of beer, we then failed to heed our own advice and even forgot to hit the record button on our Sky+ set-top box. Thankfully, however, those boffins at the BBC have something called iPlayer that allows UK-resident laggards like ourselves to catch up on the stuff that they missed; and this edition of Top Gear is no exception.

Unfortunately, due to copyright protection and overseas distribution shenanigans, we can’t actually embed the video here. But, if you’re in the UK, just click here and hit the play button (the Erith section starts at around the 28 minute mark).

Our thanks to John Woodward and the team at DemolishDismantle for bringing this to our attention.