House on Hickory Hill…

Memphis sets aside $700,000 to demolish eyesore apartment complex.

A Hickory Hill eyesore is scheduled for demolition. The Memphis City Council has set aside $700,000 to tear down the Marina Cove apartment complex, an abandoned property that has sat vacant for years.

“You got trash, you got weeds — nobody stays here,” said James Casey, who lives in a subdivision nearby. “So it is very bad for anybody coming out to this area. We would like to have some economic development in this area,” Casey said. “We’d like to have some businesses come in and put some more funds in the neighborhood.”

The Memphis City Council has agreed to take the first step. “We appropriated $700,000 to acquire the property so that we can take possession of it, and begin demolition of that property,” explained Council Chairman Harold Collins. “We feel very confident we’ll have this individual property down by the end of the year, and hopefully have a groundbreaking for the new development; maybe during the first quarter of 2011.”

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