Brazillian implosion, Take Two…

July deadline set for second major Rio de Janeiro implosion.

Helio GomesOne of the most impressive implosions we have seen took place in Brazil back in March this year when our good friend Fabio Bruno Pinto shot the Presidio Frei Caneca, formerly Rio’s oldest prison.

Well Fabio is now planning to repeat that exercise with the implosion of a 3,700 square metre, four storey structure that is located just a few metres away from the site of his earlier triumph.

Word is that UK broadcaster, the BBC, is sending a film crew to capture what promises to be another Brazillian spectacular when Fabio hots the button on 3 July. (We’d love to be there too but, frankly, we do’t quite have the travel budget afforded to these major TV companies so we’ll be watching from a distance).

Before then, we’re hoping to bring you a video of the computer simulation used to predict and control how the 61 metre long building will fall.

Watch this space.