We’ve found your level…!

Statistics from latest weekly newsletter reveal readers’ true areas of interest.

One of the great things about communicating with our readers electronically via the web and email is the ability to track exactly what it is that grabs your interest.

Over recent months, it has become apparent, for example, that while text content is popular, audio is more so, and that video is more popular still. It’s also clear that while videos of people speaking always achieves a high number of hits, videos of machines in action achieve considerably more.

But now, just hours after we issued our latest This Week in Demolition email newsletter, we have uncovered an even greater degree of interest in a subject matter not normally associated with the demolition industry: Pornography!

In our intro, we stated that demolition was as “unpredictable as a sword-wielding porn star” (you can click the link yourselves to see the relevance) and have watched the stats racking up ever since to become one of our “most-visited” links.

We haven’t quite worked out whether the appeal was the porn part or the sword-wielding part but, rest-assured, we’ll be aiming to bring you more of both in the very near future!!