My name is Mark, and I am a demaholic…

Those people gawking from your site permieter may be afflicted with a common illness.

We’ve all seen them, armed with their cameras, camcorders and mobile phones at the ready, peering through the site perimeter fencing and offering health and safety advice to anyone in earshot. But, apparently, these individuals with a strange fixation on the demolition business are not merely gawkers and rubberneckers.

According to an article in the Jackson Citizen Patriot, these people are more rightly known as demaholics, people addicted to demolition.

So, in honour of the famous 12-point plan: My name is Mark and I am a demaholic. I have been clean for the past 48 hours (here’s where you applaud) but there is a hard hat sat on my desk alongside my camera…..and maybe a quick look at a local demolition site wouldn’t be too bad….it would only be a quick look, and then I could get clean again