ADEQ investigation shows “no issues”…

Fears over asbestos and lead paint unfounded.

Just before Christmas, published a letter to the editor regarding an investigation by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) in response to a complaint they received about how the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) was handling the removal of hazardous material during the demolition of the old Oak Creek Bridge.

According to Rod Wigman, Public Information Officer for ADOT, ADOT and the contractor continue to work together to complete the construction of the SR 179 project. All pertinent regulatory submittals were filed for both demolition phases prior to the start of demolition.

ADOT coordinated all activities associated with both phases of the demolition with the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ), who administers state and federal (EPA) regulations, including National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP). The concern on the Oak Creek Bridge was due to lead paint in the [old] bridge railing. The bridge was tested for Asbestos in 2006 before construction with negative results. To comply with the law, ADOT filed a NESHAP notice with ADEQ for both phases of the bridge demolition.

Read the full story here.