Restaurant to act as transfer station…?

County Commissioners consider allowing implosion waste to be stored at restaurant.

We’re all familiar with the term Not In My Back Yard or NIMBY for short; but rarely do we see evidence of its antithesis, the IMBY. Few people actively encourage demolition activities or waste disposal and processing in their own back yard. So we’re intrigued that a restaurant close to the South Padre Island Ocean Tower has offered its services as a temporary transfer station for a 45-day period after the flawed tower is dropped. And we’re even more intrigued by the fact that county commissioners are, apparently taking their application seriously!

Action on the site was tabled Thursday because the Commissioners’ Court needed additional information about the implosion of the structure, including whether there would be hazardous material involved and who would be in charge of removing the debris, County Judge Carlos H. Cascos said.

Costa Rica Food & Spirits Restaurant requested that it be allowed to store the remnants of Ocean Tower for about 45 days, while the steel and concrete is separated, said Cameron County Parks Director Javier Mendez.

Read the full story here.