Nepotism and favoritism alive and well in Gary…

Award of demolition contract to city official’s brother’s employer raises eyebrows.

City officials in Gary, Indiana are defending themselves against allegations of favoritism after awarding demolition work to a contractor employing relatives of Gary officials.

It comes as city officials prepare for a quantum leap in such work, as much as $24.7 million in federal stimulus funds to raze 1,124 abandoned houses and businesses throughout Gary.

Gary Redevelopment Director Vanesse Dabney said last week that Gary Material Supply LLC, of 7318 W. 15th Ave., received the contract for tearing down a building at 16th Avenue and Massachusetts Street this week because he was the low bidder, not because the owner William J. Critser employs her brother.

“I don’t really get into my brother’s business. He doesn’t live with me,” she said.

Gary Mayor Rudy Clay said his son works for Critser, too, but the mayor said he has little personal involvement or knowledge of demolition work. “To say that is why somebody got a contract is ludicrous hogwash,” Clay said.

Read the full story here.