Blood in the water…

Message from US contractor highlights the issues facing an industry in turmoil.

What you are about to read is a message from a US-based contractor who has broken ranks to talk about the current plight of the US demolition industry. He has chosen to remain anonymous but, in our opinion, that does not undermine the force of his feelings:

“…Given your recent articles concerning the inimitable bid results in the United States, I thought I would share with you the following results faxed to our office this morning. What I see reflected in those numbers is an economy that exists in the hallo of a coma; vital signs are apparent, cerebral comprehension, departed.

As many of us have theorized, finally some of the low ball outfits are starting to fail. Last month a local abatement contractor [one of our competitors and notorious for excessive low bidding] finally went out of business. Likewise, we received an employment inquiry early this morning from an operator who worked for a wrecking competitor, again, an excessive low bidder, who has ended operators.

I see little in the market which would suggest that this will end anytime soon. Local municipalities have caught on and see blood in the water; public bidding has warranted great financial gain/savings for towns/cities – nearly every paper across the US cites a public official being “very pleased” that the bid(s) came in under estimated cost. ..”