Bang goes the productivity…

The online Demolition City game is back in a new, upgraded format.

Those sadists at Armor Games have upgraded the Demolition City game, apparently with the sole aim of destroying not buildings but office productivity.

As many of you will recall, Demolition News was gripped by Demolition City fever just a few months ago. In fact, we even went as far as to launch our own unofficial Demolition City World Championships. However, having proved that us 40-somethings are no match for the gaming upstarts of the online world, the dust settled and we slowly went back to using our computers for something altogether more sensible….well, Twitter.

However, the developers of the game have upgraded it to a version 2 format which is even more frustrating, difficult and time-absorbing.

Demolition City 2 can be found here. But please, if you value your work or personal time, career or relationships, we beg of you….don’t try this at home…or in the office….or at an Internet cafe.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.