“…as secure as a wet paper bag…”

Demolition News takes a timely look at the issue of equipment theft.

Every once in a while as a journalist, the news plays right into your hands. Last week, I had arranged to interview Tim Purbrick of The Equipment Register (TER) to look at the ever-present problem of equipment theft. That interview took place at 10.30 this morning.

Unbeknown to me, as that interview was taking place, the Institute of Demolition Engineers’ president Terry Quarby had the unenviable task of writing out yet another list of equipment lost to the plant thieves over the Bank Holiday weekend (see story below)

The resulting podcast, which you can hear by clicking the blue link below, probably wouldn’t have helped Quarmby and his security-conscious team at Dorton Group. However, in an interview in which Purbrick suggests that some demolition sites are “as secure as a wet paper bag“, it does make for an interesting listen.
