Demolition News “Webby” award goes to…

With the dust having settled on 2008 and 2009 now springing into life, we at Demolition News have taken a look back at our website traffic statistics to see what our readers have been looking at during the past year (well, the past three months – we only launched in October!)

As is the tradition, we will announce the winners of our Webby Award for the most commonly visited story of 2008 in reverse order.

3rd – In Third place was the launch of our own online magazine. Even though we are terribly disappointed to come third in our OWN contest, it was pleasing to get this magazine out and we’re genuinely delighted at the response so far.

2nd – The second most viewed story was our story “just when you think you’ve seen everything” which covered the use of a helicopter/drop-ball combination

1st – And the winner of our Webby Award for the most viewed story of 2008 is “no quick fix for quick couplers”, an audio/video interview with Miller International chief executive Keith Miller on the subject of quick couplers.

Keith Miller
Keith Miller

Our thanks to Keith for his involvement in this item, and to our contributors and readers for all the other news and views contributed during our exciting first few months.