Detroit cleared…for now

Investigator clears city demolition programme of wrongdoing. Controversial meetings between city officials and specific contractors to discuss federally-funded demolition work before public bidding didn’t violate written rules, but they weren’t transparent and gave the impression of “preferential treatment,” an independent investigation has ruled. The findings from an investigation of Detroit’s Office of the Inspector General,…Read moreRead more

Anger over Didcot defence…

Demolition man escapes jail after assault, claiming “misplaced guilt” over Didcot disaster. A demolition man has avoided a custodial sentence following an assault that left another man with a fractured skull after claiming that his life had spiralled downwards following the Didcot disaster. In the early hours of 5 May 2017 at The County pub…Read moreRead more

Contractor indicted over bribery claims…

Man stands accused of bribing Cleveland officials for preferential treatment. An Ohio demolition contractor was indicted by a federal grand jury on Tuesday on charges that he bribed the former chief of the city of Cleveland’s demolition bureau to get a leg up on city work. Eric Witherspoon, the head of Arick’s Environmental Services and…Read moreRead more

Firm fined over asbestos clean-up…

Contractor fined after using vacuum cleaner on asbestos A Norwich-based contractor has been fined £90,000 for carrying out unlicensed asbestos cleaning work. Norwich Magistrates’ Court heard how the company began a project to refurbish parts of Rose Lane Business Centre in Norwich, including a former kitchen and canteen. Works started in late April 2015 and…Read moreRead more

Demolition chief pleads guilty…

Former Cleveland demolition bureau chief pleads guilty to extorting, accepting bribes. The city of Cleveland’s former demolition bureau chief has admitted to soliciting and accepting thousands of dollars in bribes from contractors in exchange for a leg up in obtaining city jobs. Rufus Taylor pleaded guilty to extortion and bribery in a federally funded program….Read moreRead more

Director jailed over unplanned collapse…

Developer employed unskilled workers with no demolition experience. A property developer has been jailed for eight months after the roof and part of the rear wall collapsed at one of his buildings during demolition work. Manchester Crown Court was told that Riaz Ahmad had hired a group of workers, who had no experience in construction,…Read moreRead more

Another accident, another massive fine…

Two companies fined half a million pounds after worker left paralysed Fines of more than half a million pounds have been handed down to two companies involved in an accident in which a worker was left permanently paralysed, losing the use of his legs. Westminster Magistrates’ Court heard how, on 5 November 2015, Mr Marcel…Read moreRead more

HSE fine fires HAVs warning…

Balfour Beatty hit with half a million pound penalty. Balfour Beatty has been fined £500,000 after workers in its utilities business were put at risk of developing hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) over a nine-year period. An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive found that between 2002 and 2011 Balfour Beatty failed to minimise the…Read moreRead more

Fined for asbestos failings…

Prosecution last month hands down negligible penalty. A demolition company based in Ryde on the Isle of Wight and its director have been fined for storing asbestos illegally at Rosemary Copse Farm. Ryde Demolition Company Ltd was fined £12,500 with a victim surcharge of £170 and costs of £4,000, while its director, Neil Harrison, was…Read moreRead more

Comment – A dangerous precedent…

Massive fine could be merely the tip of the iceberg. Yesterday’s story about the monumental fine handed down to Mick George Ltd gained traction the moment I hit the upload button. In its first hour online, the story passed the 100 reads, 500 reads and 1,000 reads milestones faster than any other story this year….Read moreRead more