Search goes on in Ohio…

Chilling footage has emerged of the aftermath of the Ohio power plant collapse in which two men remain missing.

The Killen power plant – formerly owned and operated by Dayton Power and Light – partially collapsed yesterday as it was being prepared for demolition.

A thick fog Thursday morning has hampered rescuers. Work inside the structure was delayed until after 10 am. Despite previous reports, first responders continue to treat the operation as a rescue, not a recovery.

One of the missing men has been identified as 47-year-old Jamie Fitzgerald of Cattlesburg, Kentucky. Speaking to the Cincinnati Enquirer, his fiance – Lora Conley said Fitzgerald has been in the trades for 14 years, but only recently started work at this site adding that other workers have walked away from the jobs at the Killen plant over safety concerns.

Meanwhile, local TV reports have turned their attention to the safety record of the demolition contractor charged with demolishing the retired power plant.

Those reports cite an accident in 2015 – also at an Ohio power plant – that claimed the life of company president John T. Adamo Jr.