Comment – Back from the brink…

I almost lost my house to spiralling debt.

For a brief time this weekend, Demolition News Radio slipped in (and, sadly, back out again) of the Top 20 podcast chart on Anchor FM, the online platform we use to broadcast to the demolition world.

This was not because users of iTunes and Google Play Music had suddenly developed a fascination with demolition. And it certainly wasn’t because of my dulcet tones.

The reason we attracted (and continue to attract) such a huge audience is due to one episode that has virtually nothing whatsoever to do with demolition and which instead is focused on the subject of debt.

The debt discussed in the show is mine; but the content has clearly struck a chord. Not only did this show become our most popular to date (and which is still attracting listeners as we speak), it has also attracted the most feedback.

So if you or someone you know is struggling with debt, then I recommend that you give it a listen below: