A Site for Sore Eyes on Kindle…

You can now read our book – A Site for Sore Eyes – on a Kindle device.

amazon-kindle-logoIt’s been a long time coming and we have had to jump through multiple publishing hoops. But we finally made it. Our book – A Site for Sore Eyes – is now available as a Kindle book.

So whether you’re a Kindle ebook reader or an iPhone or Android user with the Kindle app installed, you can now get the book in the palm of your hands at the click of a button.

Furthermore, it’s available globally (though in English only) – It’s $4.99 in the US and just £3.87 here in the UK.

You can get the book here.

So if you’re heading off on your travels and want a demolition-related book to take with you, or if you’re one of those poor unfortunate folks that face the torture of a daily commute, we would urge you to download the book now.

We sincerely hope you like it, not least because we’re already working on another new book!