Video Exclusive – Putting the bite on fuel thieves…

Datatag unveils unique forensic DNA additive for your fuel.

Along with several hundred representatives from across the construction and plant hire sectors, I attended the seventh Combined Industry Theft Solutions (CITS) conference at the JCB World Headquarters yesterday.

Since we were the only demolition publication that could be bothered to attend, we will be reporting on this in more depth in the next edition of the Demolition magazine.

However, in amongst the talk of plant theft, theft prevention, cyber-crime and security, Datatag took the opportunity to confront a pernicious criminal element head on with the introduction of Datatag Venom.

This fuel additive acts as a forensic DNA that allows the source of the fuel to be traced.

With statistics suggesting that around 10 percent of all construction industry fuel is lost to theft, this is an important new product and we strongly urge you to view this exclusive video: